winter clucking onward

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Winter is still having on and we’ve had some neat days in the snow. I found a piece on repurposing scratch and feed sacks in shopping bags and decided to try my hand at this. I had a birdseed bag too and in spite of my lack of skill in measuring, crafted two bags. I love the pictures on the bags and look forward to trying them out when I get to the store. As far as outdoor stuff, March has definitely come in like a lion! After the snow from last week, we extended the ‘roof’ of the chunnel to try to give the hens more dry snow-free space to roam, and threw in some straw and grass from the back field for a place to scratch and play. We ended up with about 7-8″ of wet snow that stuck to the sides of the chunnel creating an enclosed igloo-like space. The girls loved it! Yesterday gave the snow the final heave-ho when temps climb to almost 70′ and I spent the afternoon cleaning the coop and moving the chunnel to new ground. Today we’re expecting it to drop to freezing with more sleet and snow coming tonight when the expected low is 18′. Ok, winter- we surrender.

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